(An expression of yourself, to enhance your self image)
I know sometimes
(The practice of making an intimate one to one connection)
When I feel angry,
(To express anger in a positive, constructive way and replace it with love)
I really may be sad, afraid or ashamed
(To feel sad in a constructive way and not let it overwhelm you or control you or to feel the fear and/or shame and do it anyway by making fear and shame a co-creator in your life)
And looking for someone to blame,
(Searching for someone or something to blame my misfortune on. It has nothing to do with them; everything to do with me)
I’m done with that!
(To release something that is blocking my progress and replaces it with a positive reinforcement)
In forgiving, I set myself free,
(Forgiveness is going forward in my life and giving up resentments and grudges which hold me back and drain me of energy)
To love, and be loved,
(The practice of giving and receiving unconditional love)
And have fun with others.
(Practicing inviting people to be supportive of me through the empowering gift of fun and laughter)
I am empowered by my choices
(To acknowledge that those choices I make will create the positive energy I need to accomplish my goals)
To dream and make things happen!
(To acknowledge that I can dream and make my dreams a reality)
Join me soooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(to practice perseverance, something you will need in order to integrate your new tools learned during the course)
We will use our personal power!!!!!!!!!
(To realize that by empowering others, the task becomes easier and team work becomes created)
Personal Development Community Organization, Inc.
Michelle Reynolds says
Love this!