Shame hates its name – the more you name it, the lower the impact it has
There are no victims only co-creators
We are here to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable
Depression is just anger without the enthusiasm
I can’t heal what I can’t feel
Feelings don’t kill us; it’s the things we choose to use to kill the feelings that kill us
Fear, Shame and Sadness are all calls for love; Anger is a call for healing
I can’t know what I want if I can’t feel
Shame is just expectations placed on us by others without our agreement
We stuff our feelings because they make us feel uncomfortable or expressing them makes others uncomfortable
You may think you are done with your past, but it’s not done with you
The healing process begins when we become aware of our unskilled behavior. Next, we change our unskilled to skilled behavior becoming fully aware of our skilled behavior. Finally, we become unaware of our new skilled behavior.
I “love” these! I never met Greg but I am grateful for the legacy he’s left in part through TLC.
What was his full name so when I share these with others I can give proper credit?